Car-Buying Guides and Resources

Free car-buying guides, brochures, and resources to help U.S. Military members navigate through the OCONUS car-buying experience at  MAS.


ChecklistPre-Deployment Checklist: Military AutoSource created the Pre-Deployment Checklist to help military personnel and their family organize their affairs before deployment. The checklist covers legal affairs, home maintenance, finances, medical and automobile care. DOWNLOAD



2016 VW Military Review Guide For Blog Size 1The Best Road Trips and Destinations for U.S. Military Members Stationed in Germany: Stationed in Germany? Discover the best road trips and destinations the country has to offer. Start mapping out your plans to explore the country. You don’t want to miss out on the magic of the Nuremberg Christmas Market, or the beauty of the Black Forest Panoramic Route. DOWNLOAD


2016 VW Military Review Guide For Blog Size 1The Best Road Trips and Destinations for U.S. Military Members Stationed in Italy: Stationed in Italy? This guide highlights the best road trip and destinations in Italy, including towns, lakes, churches, scenic drives and more. We did some research and came up with 10 of the best road trips, and 10 of the best destinations for U.S. Military families to explore during their time in Italy – all a drive away.  DOWNLOAD


2016 VW Military Review Guide For Blog Size 1The Best Road Trips and Destinations for U.S. Military Members Stationed in the UKStationed in the United Kingdom? Download this free guide and begin planning your next trip in the UK.With the diverse offering of the United Kingdom, there is something for everyone – and it’s all just a drive away. See the beautiful views of the Dartmoor National Park, get away to the Lake District in North West England, or visit Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. DOWNLOAD


2016 VW Military Review Guide For Blog Size 110 Ways to Ensure Your Car Doesn’t Make it Through Summer: Looking for a good excuse to be late to work? Follow our list of “10 Ways to Ensure Your Car Doesn’t Make it Through Summer” and you’ll be sure to find yourself stranded on the side of the road at least once this year. DOWNLOAD